Lights-Out 3 Release Candidate
The Lights-Out 3 release candidate for Windows and Synology DSM is now available!
Since the first public beta, we fixed problems reported by our beta testers:
- Download page reordered (management console moved up)
- Warning for missing backups increased to 8 days
- UrBackp backup provider improved
- Synology Quick Connect detection added
- Connection via browser to external server improved
- Support for Mono 5.18 on DSM added
- 169.254.x.x networks are treated as disconnected
- Fixed missing icons on download page
- Fixed multiple ip addresses in connection via browser
- Fixed unused LAN port on DiskStation with 2 or more LAN ports
- Fixed service crash if old Lights-Out 1 license was loaded
- Fixed missing entries in Settings->Action if Console is connected to remote server
- Fixed Direct Deploy for Windows clients
- Fixed wrong user activity in runtime diagram
- Fixed timer based wake-up if server and client are installed on the same machine
Many thanks to our loyal users for using the beta and reporting problems!