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Downloads for Lights-Out Version 2

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Lights-Out 2 Stable Build 2.5.5

This is the current stable versions which includes a free 30 day trial license. Please use this version for new and update installations. To help you getting started, please have a look at Lights-Out 2 features explained step by step.

Download  Lights-Out 2.5.5,  37.4 MB, Version 2.5.5 Build 3952

Previous stable builds

Download  Lights-Out 2.5.4,  37.4 MB, Version 2.5.4 Build 3951
Download  Lights-Out 2.5.3,  37.4 MB, Version 2.5.3 Build 3950
Download  Lights-Out 2.5.2,  36.54 MB, Version 2.5.2 Build 3942
Download  Lights-Out 2.5.1,  36.52 MB, Version 2.5.1 Build 3905
Download  Lights-Out 2.5.0,  34.72 MB, Version 2.5.0 Build 3812
Download  Lights-Out 2.0.3,  34,2 MB, Version 2.0.3 Build 3562
Download  Lights-Out 2.0.2,  33.19 MB, Version 2.0.2 Build 3535
Download  Lights-Out 2.0.1,  33.90 MB, Version 2.0.1 Build 3396

Lights-Out 2.0 Additional Software

Calendar Import from Media Center Plug-Ins. Please read Day 12: Import calendar data from media center plug-ins

Download  Calendar Importer,  11.12 KB, Version 2.0.1

Note: This is only required for versions up to 2.5.0! Starting with 2.5.1 this feature is included.

Wake-On-Lan Proxy with Raspberry Pi

Use a Raspberry Pi as wake-on-lan proxy. Your router will send the magic packet to the Pi and the Pi will then broadcast the magic packet to the local net. All steps are documented in the user manual.

Download  Raspberry Pi as WolProxy (Source code),  445.18 KB, Version 1.0.3